
What is the purpose of merit badges and advancement? Advancing through the ranks builds skills and self-confidence in a Scout. The four steps to advancement are learning, testing, reviewing, and recognition. lashingsAn active Scout in Troop 33 will advance through ranks with leadership providing support, coaching, and opportunities for Scouts to complete ranks and merit badges. The key word is active. The troop has a program for those working toward First Class that include campout activities, activities at meetings, troop attending great a B.S.A. summer camp, and service projects. Troop 33 usually reached 25 nights of camping a year with all campouts being more than 24 hours long. By doing this, the purpose of advancement will be reached and the Scout will advance at the same time.

CPR trainingScouts working on the upper ranks work on merit badges, provide troop leadership, learn new skills and knowledge for an upcoming adventure. As a Scout matures, the program changes accordingly.

Scouts discover  lifelong hobby or rewarding career through the merit badge program. Merit badges  are more than a means to get a rank but helps Scouts develop physical skills, social skills, and self-reliance.

Working on Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class? Boy Scouts of America has on-line videos to help you learn the material.  See requirements on-line for Tenderfoot

early rank videos

Working on Star, Life, or Eagle? Scouting has a page with many links and resources.

upper ranks

Medical forms. A follow-up  reminder. A message went out regarding medical form status to each Scout. Yearly, medical forms part A and C need to be filled out. Part B for any event greater than 72 hours. More information can be found [here]

Download the BSA Medical Form

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