Experiencing 3D Parachute training on an outing
Troop 33 program features a more traditional Boy Scout experience with a variety of camping and outing experiences, where Scout’s create and lead their program, adults support and coach the youth providing guidance and direction, and a commitment to community service. Good, clean fun mixed with a variety of adventures provides both opportunities to learn and an atmosphere of personal growth.
As a Scout is actively involved in Scouting, the program and opportunities expand. Activities build on each other which lead to knowledge and skills which then allows the Scout to participate in a greater number of activities. Leadership follows a similar path.

High adventure hike of experienced Scouts in the Needles District joint trail
The Scout’s first year in the troop is focused building skills and knowledge required to complete Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class rank. These ranks build skills, knowledge, understanding of Scouting, camping, citizenship, and physical fitness. First class rank can take a year or two complete depending upon the individual’s participation level in the troop.
The second year is further practicing and developing this information and actively learn and practice leadership at a higher level. The third year is higher adventures and challenges; built from all the previous years work and being a leader of the troop. Merit badges for advancement, merit badges for fun and exploration, special opportunities, and other activities geared to their age and maturity occur. Star and Life Rank are usually completed within three years – if not by middle of the third year. Star requires being active for 4 months plus a number of activities. Life requires being active for 6 months plus a number of activities. Eagle Rank requires being active for 6 months, a number of activities, and completing a project. The project can take a bit of time from approval to begin, write up, and B.S.A. review and approval of the completed project.

Dutch Oven Desert
An example of the growth and development of a Scout is shown in campout meals. A new Scout is very pleased with cooking a simple meal such as a hot dog by themselves. After a few years, the Scout works with others in his patrol to create a banquet meal in the outdoors with minimal about of dishes to clean, nutritionally balanced, filling, and very tasty. Adults play a minimal part in the effort in the banquet meal of the older Scouts.
Troop 33 has served the youth of Boise’s community for over 75 years with a focus on learning values, citizenship, and leadership. Our chartering organization over the many years has been First Presbyterian Church of Boise. We meet weekly through out the year on Tuesday nights with outings every month.