April 14th Meeting Notes

Is your cyber chip current? Check out https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/cyber-chip/ then select your Grade to see your requirements. Once done, send me a message. The chip expires annually.

BSA National has listed temporary requirements for advancement. See the troop’s web site for more information; http://boisetroop33.org/, and a link to the full site.

Summer camp merit badges. I have only received one reply back. Please send me your choices ranked one through ten.

A special thanks to Mrs. Franki Goodman of Ohio on holding a merit badge class during last Tuesday’s meeting. To finish up the Public Health merit badge, I need confirmation that you watched the waste water plant virtual tour. And, visit with a leader or email requirements 7b.b. and 8. See below.
7. With your parent’s and counselor’s approval, do the following:
b. Familiarize yourself with your city, county, or state health agency’s website.
After completing either 7a or 7b, do the following:
i. Compare the four leading causes of mortality (death) in your community for any of the past five years with the four leading causes of disease in your community. Explain how the public health agency you visited is trying to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates of these leading causes of illness and death.
ii. Explain the role of your health agency as it relates to the outbreak of diseases.
iii. Discuss the kinds of public assistance the agency is able to provide in case of disasters such as floods, storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other acts of destruction. Your discussion can include the cleanup necessary after the disaster.
8. Pick a profession in the public health sector that interests you. Find out the education, training, and experience required to work in this profession. Discuss what you learn with your counselor.
Some Resources:

How’s the cooking and exercising going? Would you like to meet on-line with David and I to complete requirements? Please send me updates.

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